4. dggö-Talk: Laure de Preux - Climate Change and Health: An Inclusive Perspective
für den 14. Dezember um 17:00 Uhr laden wir Sie herzlich zu unserem vierten dggö-Talk zum Thema "Climate Change and Health: An Inclusive Perspective" ein.
Vortragende ist Professorin Dr. Laure de Preux, Imperial College London.
Mit der Veranstaltungsreihe "dggö Talk" möchten wir ein Forum schaffen, auf dem aktuelle und wichtige Forschungsbeiträge einer breiten, an Gesundheitsökonomie interessierten Zuhörerschaft vorgestellt werden.
Der "dggö talk" ist in Form eines Online-Meetings organisiert. Der Vortrag ist auf Englisch. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, Fragen an die Vortragende zu stellen.
Sie können am dggö-Talk über den Link https://uni-hamburg.zoom.us/j/61815787609?pwd=MFRNTUEwbUo4Mnc4NUNGM2xHRFpzQT09 teilnehmen.
Floods, wildfires, heatwaves, migration, and premature deaths linked to climate change are making the headlines more than ever before. Current policies put us on track to an average temperature increase way beyond the IPCC recommendation of 1.5°C with devastating consequences for human health and the ecosystem. In her talk, Laure de Preux will provide an overview of the health implications of climate change, a discussion of some of the empirical challenges, and propose a possible solution towards sustainability using examples from her work. She will review the latest evidence and present research that illustrates how pathways between climate change, the environment and health can be identified and quantified. To contextualize the role of environmental policies, she will review the design and impacts of the European Emission Trading Scheme, and how its benefits and co-benefits associated with health can be quantified. Finally, Laure de Preux will propose a change in perspective as one of the solutions toward more inclusive and sustainable approaches and apply it to the context of economic evaluation in healthcare.
Laure de Preux
Laure de Preux is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Imperial College Business School, and affiliated to the Centre for Health Economics & Policy Innovation.
Laure’s research interests lie in environmental and health economics. She works on climate change policies’ evaluation, the impact of health insurance on lifestyles, and the determinants of health with a particular focus on the effect of climate and pollution on individual’s behaviour and healthcare utilisation.
Prior to joining Imperial College Business School, Laure gained a Masters in Business from HEC Lausanne and an MSc in Economics from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, before completing her PhD in Economics at the University of York under the supervision of Prof. Hugh Gravelle. She also worked at the Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE between 2008 and 2016.