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Code of Conduct for the dggö Annual Conference 2023 at the Leibniz University Hannover

This Code of Conduct is addressed to all participants and organizers of the dggö Annual Conference 2023, who are expected to actively participate in the implementation of the Code.

The annual conference serves the free and respectful scientific exchange. All participants take part in this on an equal footing. Harassment and discrimination, for example, on the basis of race, ethnic or national origin, gender, age, religion or belief, disability, sexual identity, appearance or professional status will not be tolerated.

Examples of harassment are

  • derogatory or offensive statements and actions that create a hostile atmosphere,
  • deliberate intimidation,
  • stalking and tracking,
  • unauthorized photography, filming, or audio recording,
  • repeated disruption of presentations and other parts of the program,
  • unwanted physical contact and unwanted sexual attention.

Participants who harass or discriminate against other persons and continue their behavior despite admonishment must expect sanctions by the conference organizers and/or the dggö board. This includes

  • a formal warning and request to stop the offending behavior,
  • exclusion from the event,
  • termination or cancellation of the offender’s presentations or other contributions to the program.

In case of exclusion from the event, the refund of participation fees is excluded.

In particular:

  • If others ask you to stop what you perceive as harassing behavior, you should follow that request, even if you judge your own behavior differently.
  • In case of harassment, you can contact the person of trust for the meeting named in the program or the members of the dggö's inner board. Information will only be passed on after obtaining your consent.
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